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By Captain Garbarrassing | March 14, 2008

Hats off to, drumroll please....Ashley Dupre!!! Please come forward to claim your prize, you are officially GARBO!!!

I'm sure most of you dedicated readers have heard about the New York City Governor scandal. For those who missed this entertainment, we will fill you in. Earlier this week, what most people just assumed to be fact was indeed confirmed by the NYPD: Governor Eliot Spitzer loves the whores. He likes to take his money that he earns from the taxpayers, and give that money back to the people. Specifically, the people that are whores. So you're asking yourself, why Captain G? Why is Eliot Spitzer not the Garbo of the Week? Well my children, answer me this. which is more garbage - getting a mediocre hooker or being a mediocre hooker? When getting a whore, you never seem to get whats advertised, so we went with the latter. Now which is more embarrassing - being exposed to the world as a mediocre governor or as a mediocre hooker? Indeed, we had to go with the latter again. All in all, Ashley Dupre is a piece of garbage who is also embarrassing. Trollups everywhere should be ashamed.

Miss Garbarrassment of the Week Herself

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History of Music Box
Before the iPod, Walkman, turntable, or phonograph there was the music box. Though it's hard to consider it now, the music box was truly an important first step on the road to the miniaturization of sound. Prior to the music box, non-conducted music was produced by large and bulky contraptions using bells or chimes. The music box introduced melodies into the house and, eventually, rings, medallions, and even perfume bottles. Music boxes were also hidden within table-top snuff boxes inlaid with gold, pearls, and music box

#6 - musicbox - 03/15/2021 - 22:56
Best Replacement Flooring Options For RV's
The best alternative flooring for RV is vinyl. It’s a versatile cloth, and you'll find vinyl tiles, sheets, and planks with simple setting up programs.Vinyl is durable and water resistant. It’s easy to clean, which makes a significant difference in high-traffic areas.Carpet is another material worth since. It could make you feel more at home, and it’s easy to exchange. It also helps absorb sounds, which is a plus if you stay at an RV park.However, carpet requires more upkeep and is difficult to scrub in comparison to vinyl. You will need to exchange it within five to 8 years.Laminate flooring is an inexpensive option. This cloth is simple to set up, and has a look and feel that's akin to vinyl floors. However, it’s not the good alternative floors for RV as it’s more likely to sustain water damage. Boat Trailer Parts

#5 - RVrepair - 03/14/2021 - 18:25
RV Guide
An RV offers you the perks of exploring the open road with all the comforts of home. You can take a cross-country trip and know exactly what type of lodging you will have at every stop along the way or a trip to a local campground with friends and enjoy a stressfree long weekend. However you choose to use an RV, you will find that it becomes an integral part of your camping memories with family and riends. RV Parts

#4 - toprvparts - 11/19/2020 - 23:49
History of Saxophone
When Adolphe Sax invented the saxophone, he wanted to bridge the gap between the brass section and the woodwinds. The sax couples strong vocal quality with woodwind-like agility. Its body is brass, yet it is a woodwind instrument. That is because the oscillations of a single reed produce its sound. saxophone

#3 - goldrush - 10/02/2020 - 19:02
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#2 - InstagramLikes - 09/28/2020 - 14:13
What's a girl to do?
How else can a young, single artist-type afford a millon dollar apartment in the Flatiron? I ask you.
#1 - butch - 08/14/2008 - 13:30
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