Blog #3
By Captain Garbarrassing | March 14, 2008
Hats off to, drumroll please....Ashley Dupre!!! Please come forward to claim your prize, you are officially GARBO!!!
I'm sure most of you dedicated readers have heard about the New York City Governor scandal. For those who missed this entertainment, we will fill you in. Earlier this week, what most people just assumed to be fact was indeed confirmed by the NYPD: Governor Eliot Spitzer loves the whores. He likes to take his money that he earns from the taxpayers, and give that money back to the people. Specifically, the people that are whores. So you're asking yourself, why Captain G? Why is Eliot Spitzer not the Garbo of the Week? Well my children, answer me this. which is more garbage - getting a mediocre hooker or being a mediocre hooker? When getting a whore, you never seem to get whats advertised, so we went with the latter. Now which is more embarrassing - being exposed to the world as a mediocre governor or as a mediocre hooker? Indeed, we had to go with the latter again. All in all, Ashley Dupre is a piece of garbage who is also embarrassing. Trollups everywhere should be ashamed.

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